Interim management and consulting

A professional is arranged to work in a client’s company for a fixed period of time. Interim manager is in charge of all processes within the company or entrusted department. Alternatively, based on agreement with our client, he focusses on a particular specialized objective – retail, recruitment, production management, purchase.

  • If you need to prepare your company for a fundamental change and implement it effectively
  • In the case of a merger or company restructuring with external supervision
  • For fast and efficient implementation of changes
  • In case a key manager resigns and you need to replace him quickly
  • In need of project management or start-up projects
  • If you are a new company with lack of experience regarding process implementation
  • In case you are a dynamically developing company with no extra capacity for process creation
  • In case you are company that does not meet the planned growth concept
  • In case you are a company with a loss and does not know what to do next
  • You need to substitute the HR manager, director, sales director, production manager or specialistsbecause of maternity leave, international exchange, etc…
  • In case you do not have sufficient own capacity, you gained new projects or you plan temporary increase in business
  • You miss a certain personality type within your team and cannot find a suitable manager or specialist to employ

Managers with long experience in top management with proven results

  • Managers with long experience at various levels of management with proven results (middle management, methodists, foremen, team leaders, team coaches)
  • Staff and specialists of human resources, purchase, sales, production, finance and quality departments
  • One to one coaches, team coaches
  • Project managers
  • Skilled manager – experts with proven results and experience
  • Qualified specialist – expert with proven results and experience
  • Support and facilities of consulting company
  • Use of our know – how
  • Professional capacity of a manager who is able to achieve objectives set
  • Person independent on internal structures
  • Time flexibility
  • Effective cost placement – you pay for the results obtained
  • The experience from different industries and projects
  • Significant labor costs savings
  • The achievement of defined objectives which influences your organization in the long term
  • We provide training and coaching of your employees (your team)
  • We bring experience from a wide range of business areas (benchmarking)
  • We guarantee the success of the implemented procedures

Our consultants will spend about 80% of their time in the department or operation of your company to get to know it and be able to discuss and define your needs and expectations.

We are aware that nowadays consulting is not just about giving an advice but about providing a solution as well. Our company offers a comprehensive approach to business consultancy. We focus on solution proposals that have a direct impact on your business results and their successful implementation.

We specialize in business consulting in the following areas:

  • Due diligence for investors input
  • Preparation of company mergers
  • Valuation of companies or its parts
  • Restructuring and optimization of companies and departments of the company

This activity can be carried out both in the form of consultancy, as well as through the implementation. Our partners are able to provide a proposal of a new organizational structure and its implementation which is based on a thorough analysis. . We can optimize and measure the performance of the company as a whole or its individual departments only. We provide personnel audits. We provide a clear definition of processes closely connected to core business and processes that should be outsourced or defined as supportive. We can introduce a necessary standard of corporate culture into your company, visualization included.

  • Company revitalization
  • Crisis business management

After agreement with a customer, our company will appoint our own managers into TOP management and they will lead the company towards pre-defined goals. Together with customer, we will prepare a new company management who will take over the company after the expiration of crisis management contract. Another option is consulting for current managers leading towards aimed goals.

  • Financial valuation of investment projects and project management
  • Support of foreign investors entering the Czech Republic

The support applies in particular to negotiations with state and public institutions, legal, legislative assistance, marketing studies creation, contacts and connection to Czech companies, recruitment, help with obtaining financial incentives, representation in negotiations with banks or representation of foreign companies in the country.

In case of capital investment in new companies or buying companies we offer complete due diligence and evaluation of companies chosen.

Due diligence is a comprehensive analysis of the company which will help you minimize the risk.

We will provide you with information that affect the price of the transaction or the costs associated with the purchase of a reviewed company.

Due Diligence perform in all areas of a company:

  • financial
  • tax
  • legal
  • business
  • production
  • purchasing and logistics
  • personnel


The outcome of due diligence is a comprehensive report covering all the areas above.

  • Analysis of the potential of the company – business activities, technology, personnel, effectiveness management, company performance
  • Risks – legal, financial, tax, business
  • Additional costs associated with purchase
  • Valuation of a company

We set management systems in organizations by founding methodology of process models creation and analysis of processes.

Steps leading to management system creation are as follows:

  • Process management system proposal – setting rules and principles in terms of process management structure (owners, executors, management, etc.), process customers and other roles involved in the process management, mapping of processes within the organization
  • Effectiveness monitoring and process performance evaluation
  • Rules for the operational process management setting
  • Setting of process performance parameters and proposal of process improvement
  • Securing the implementation process
  • Settlement of disputes and conflicts
  • Management of change

Process analysis and process map creation

  • Implementation proposal
  • Management agreement
  • Employee training
  • Implementation
  • System audit
  • Regular audit period and change management setting

We define the company strategy and implement it into corporate practice.

Our advantage is our consultants experience and knowledge from various levels of management and our specialists who have dealt with given issues in practice. At the same time, we support the latest findings from both the local and the international environment.

During the implementation we use BSC, KPI management system; we introduce management by objectives varying from division into strategic company cards to individual’s goals.

We make sure that the strategic management is not to be about administrative but about synergy process leading towards unified management with the aim of effectivity increase and goals achievement. We are capable of implementing strategy compactly by means of interim manager who is provided for agreed period of time, has clearly defined contracted goals. We also provide implementation with the aim of setting strategy through by means of project management or consultation that helps your management or owners with orientation concerning company needs.

The advantage of interim manager is that you gain a professional with adequate experience, who is not burdened with internal culture and practices of the company and is therefore able to take advantage of the internal environment. In combination with knowledge of given field and excellent managerial skills he is able to reach a marked impact and desired results. At the same time you also gain the professional support of our company.

Together with strategic management in company we also set a change management system, creation of change teams and role definition included.

We define, implement and optimize the organizational structure of a company or its individual departments in order to increase efficiency.

Efficiency increase is not really understood as an employee reduction but primarily as process and work flow optimizations which are the basic elements for the creation of organizational structure.

Process audit monitors and measures company’s process efficiency with the aim of process optimization in terms of both, process flow, number and qualification of employees and so called process yield.

 The result is:

  • Efficiency and productivity increase
  • Process definition and productivity increase. Process and system audit includes also a change in organisation of work and structure of a company.

WHEN is it good to use our process and system audit?

  • In case you would like to increase process productivity, work efficiency and simplify processes work flow
  • In case you would like to focus on your company’s efficiency increase and take advantage of synergies
  • In case you intend to change portfolio of services, products or business activities
  • Properly set processes can help achieve your goals

Why implement a process and system audit with us?

  • We take the strategy of you company as a basis for an independent analysis of existing processes
  • Changes are implemented in form of action plans based on your company’s needs
  • We are able to professionally supervise changes and implement them into your company

Management audit

It is the audit competencies, strategic and business orientation of your managers.

We are able to professionally evaluate the manager’s competency by means of:

  • personnel audit
  • Assessment / Development Center
  • Funnel Mind method
  • 360-degree feedback

Possible examples of management audit outputs:

  • Evaluation of management competencies
  • Assessing the needs of management development
  • Options for coaching (team and individual)
  • Proposal of changes and their supervision in management organization

We will evaluate the efficiency of HR management processes and evaluate their connection to corporate strategy.

We offer a variety of modern HR tools and arrange a training of your employees.

  • We are able to set a comprehensive supply chain in your company; supply – production logistics – warehousing – distribution.Setting this chain is the first step to effective management of your production. Functioning chain results in efficiency increase and financial savings. By a correct adjustment of this comprehensive supply chain you gain savings of up to 30% of your purchasing and logistics cost which increases your competitiveness.

    The main advantages of working with us:

    • Cost savings up to 30%
    • A simple solution tailored for your company
    • Takeover of responsibility for a functional and transparent process of a supply chain set by us, its implementation and staff training
    • We are able to simplify and streamline your planning process
    • We provide the most efficient flow of material and information in order to give you real-time access to relevant information
    • We are able to design the ideal interconnection of a warehouse and a distribution network
    • We set a system audit and its control

    In the area of purchasing, we offer increase in efficiency by a utilization of synergies and increase in planning efficiency.

    Your advantages:

    • Cost savings up to 30%
    • Takeover of responsibility for process optimization and savings achievement
    • Training of employees
    • Audit setting

During the process efficiency increase, we come out from the latest knowledge in the market which our consultants sensitively apply to your business practices and local conditions.

We come out from the process audit carried out in customer’s company and from goals or expectations defined by company’s owners or management.

We do process mapping and optimization of a process knitter so that it guarantees performance improvement. We assign the number of employees to newly designed process maps together with their qualification according to the future needs of a company. We also set the system of performance management by means of various tools in order to meet your conditions.

In order to increase efficiency we set the process of communication, motivation and evaluation of staff in our customer’s company.

Our advantages are:

  • Very pragmatic process adjustments
  • Simple application of a model that reflects needs of the business
  • We set up a system of lean production (known from Toyota companies)

We implement cost reduction projects in all manufacturing, trade or service companies.

Costs reduction is based on the use of synergies and the potential that the company usually has but does not properly use. Hand in hand with costs reduction we deal with company’s performance improvement and increase in the efficiency of processes. Adjusting to our system results in up to 50% cost savings and synergistically increased performance within one year after completion of the project.

What will this investment bring you?

  • Sustained increase in business performance
  • Efficiency increase by up to 25%
  • Return of the investment within one year of the completion of the project

We newly offer a method of costs reduction in your company where we work at your own risk.

Our reward is pre-arranged % of saved costs.

What do we guarantee?

  • The full functionality of your processes
  • Sustained or increased process performance
  • Sustained or increased performance of the company

We determine business and marketing strategy of your company. We take your unique position as a competitive advantage and specifics in the market. The advantage of our company is that in developing business strategies our consultants use a thorough knowledge of the market and its segments. We know how to approach the market not only Czech but we have also mapped and European markets and Russia. We are able to implement a new business and marketing strategy in a form of our interim management service or by means of consultants or projects.

In terms of business and marketing strategy we offer its building, widening or transformation of your business network including sales teams’ creation, training and building.

We have experience from both the corporate and the Czech companies.

The main advantage of your cooperation with us:

  • We take responsibility for optimal and effective (pro-growth) processes setting
  • We train you own employees
  • We increase your sales and profitability of your company depending on the sales segment and its current state
  • We will increase your competitiveness and improve the position of your company in the market
  • We increase the work efficiency of your business departments
  • Set the knowledge level of your sales team

Outsourcing of services and activities is based on a similar principle as Interim management.

We are ready to take full responsibility for our customer in the case of outsourcing:

  • Department of Human Resource Management or its parts
  • Administrative positions
  • Project management


Advantages of outsourcing:

  • Cost reduction
  • Effective utilization of manpower and especially synergistic support of our company in the field of resources and experience in various sectors
  • Outsourcing can be provided based on customer’s needs locally }in your company], partially locally/externally or externally (our specialist visits your company on regular basis)
  • Savings of costs for manpower and advertising jobs and related candidate database maintenance and administrative costs
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Podmínky ochrany osobních údajů

I. Základní ustanovení

  1. Správcem osobních údajů podle čl. 4 bod 7 nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady (EU) 2016/679 o ochraně fyzických osob v souvislosti se zpracováním osobních údajů a o volném pohybu těchto údajů (dále jen: „GDPR”) je Rosque s.r.o. IČ 07491867 se sídlem Jilemnického 1883/1, 748 01 Hlučín (dále jen: „správce“).
  2. Kontaktní údaje správce jsou
Adresa: Soukenická 3181/19b, 702 00 Ostrava Email: Telefon: + 420 596 112 508
  1. Osobními údaji se rozumí veškeré informace o identifikované nebo identifikovatelné fyzické osobě; identifikovatelnou fyzickou osobou je fyzická osoba, kterou lze přímo či nepřímo identifikovat, zejména odkazem na určitý identifikátor, například jméno, identifikační číslo, lokační údaje, síťový identifikátor nebo na jeden či více zvláštních prvků fyzické, fyziologické, genetické, psychické, ekonomické, kulturní nebo společenské identity této fyzické osoby.
  2. Správce nejmenoval pověřence pro ochranu osobních údajů.

II. Zdroje a kategorie zpracovávaných osobních údajů

  1. Správce zpracovává osobní údaje, které jste mu poskytl/a nebo osobní údaje, které správce získal na základě plnění Vaší objednávky.
  2. Správce zpracovává Vaše identifikační a kontaktní údaje a údaje nezbytné pro plnění smlouvy.

III. Zákonný důvod a účel zpracování osobních údajů

  1. Zákonným důvodem zpracování osobních údajů je
  • plnění smlouvy mezi Vámi a správcem podle čl. 6 odst. 1 písm. b) GDPR,
  • oprávněný zájem správce na poskytování přímého marketingu (zejména pro zasílání obchodních sdělení a newsletterů) podle čl. 6 odst. 1 písm. f) GDPR,
  • Váš souhlas se zpracováním pro účely poskytování přímého marketingu (zejména pro zasílání obchodních sdělení a newsletterů) podle čl. 6 odst. 1 písm. a) GDPR ve spojení s § 7 odst. 2 zákona č. 480/2004 Sb., o některých službách informační společnosti v případě, že nedošlo k objednávce zboží nebo služby.
  1. Účelem zpracování osobních údajů je
  • vyřízení Vaší objednávky a výkon práv a povinností vyplývajících ze smluvního vztahu mezi Vámi a správcem; při objednávce jsou vyžadovány osobní údaje, které jsou nutné pro úspěšné vyřízení objednávky (jméno a adresa, kontakt), poskytnutí osobních údajů je nutným požadavkem pro uzavření a plnění smlouvy, bez poskytnutí osobních údajů není možné smlouvu uzavřít či jí ze strany správce plnit,
  • zasílání obchodních sdělení a činění dalších marketingových aktivit.
  1. Ze strany správce nedochází k automatickému individuálnímu rozhodování ve smyslu čl. 22 GDPR. S takovým zpracováním jste poskytl/a svůj výslovný souhlas.

IV. Doba uchovávání údajů

  1. Správce uchovává osobní údaje
  • po dobu nezbytnou k výkonu práv a povinností vyplývajících ze smluvního vztahu mezi Vámi a správcem a uplatňování nároků z těchto smluvních vztahů (po dobu 15 let od ukončení smluvního vztahu).
  • po dobu, než je odvolán souhlas se zpracováním osobních údajů pro účely marketingu, nejdéle …. let, jsou-li osobní údaje zpracovávány na základě souhlasu.
  1. Po uplynutí doby uchovávání osobních údajů správce osobní údaje vymaže.

V. Příjemci osobních údajů (subdodavatelé správce)

  1. Příjemci osobních údajů jsou osoby
  • podílející se na dodání zboží / služeb / realizaci plateb na základě smlouvy,
  • zajišťující služby provozování e-shopu a další služby v souvislosti s provozováním e-shopu,
  • zajišťující marketingové služby.
  1. Správce nemá v úmyslu předat osobní údaje do třetí země (do země mimo EU) nebo mezinárodní organizaci.
  2. Provozované služby, zajišťující marketingové a podpůrné služby
  • Google analytics - zaznamenává cookie a použití webu
  • Google Adwords - zaznamenává cookie a použití webu
  • Google nákupy - žádost o recenzi, zaznamenává email pokud odsouhlasíte v procesu objednávky
  • Heureka - zaznamenává konverze nákupu a email pro službu "Ověřeno zákazníky"
  • Zboží.cz - zaznamenává konverze nákupu a email
  • Sklik - zaznamenává cookie, použití webu, konverze nákupu

VI. Vaše práva

  1. Za podmínek stanovených v GDPR máte
  • právo na přístup ke svým osobním údajům dle čl. 15 GDPR,
  • právo opravu osobních údajů dle čl. 16 GDPR, popřípadě omezení zpracování dle čl. 18 GDPR.
  • právo na výmaz osobních údajů dle čl. 17 GDPR.
  • právo vznést námitku proti zpracování dle čl. 21 GDPR a
  • právo na přenositelnost údajů dle čl. 20 GDPR.
  • právo odvolat souhlas se zpracováním písemně nebo elektronicky na adresu nebo email správce uvedený v čl. III těchto podmínek. Odvolat souhlas můžete kdykoli ve svém vlastním účtu zákazníka.
  1. Dále máte právo podat stížnost u Úřadu pro ochranu osobních údajů v případě, že se domníváte, že bylo porušeno Vaší právo na ochranu osobních údajů.

VII. Podmínky zabezpečení osobních údajů

  1. Správce prohlašuje, že přijal veškerá vhodná technická a organizační opatření k zabezpečení osobních údajů.
  2. Správce přijal technická opatření k zabezpečení datových úložišť a úložišť osobních údajů v listinné podobě, zejména zabezpečeného / šifrovaného přístupu na web, šifrování hesel zákazníků v databázi, pravidelných aktualizací systému, pravidelné zálohy systému.
  3. Správce prohlašuje, že k osobním údajům mají přístup pouze jím pověřené osoby.

VIII. Závěrečná ustanovení

  1. Odesláním objednávky z internetového objednávkového formuláře potvrzujete, že jste seznámen/a s podmínkami ochrany osobních údajů a že je v celém rozsahu přijímáte.
  2. S těmito podmínkami souhlasíte zaškrtnutím souhlasu prostřednictvím internetového formuláře. Zaškrtnutím souhlasu potvrzujete, že jste seznámen/a s podmínkami ochrany osobních údajů a že je v celém rozsahu přijímáte.
  3. Správce je oprávněn tyto podmínky změnit. Novou verzi podmínek ochrany osobních údajů zveřejní na svých internetových stránkách a zároveň Vám zašle novou verzi těchto podmínek Vaši e-mailovou adresu, kterou jste správci poskytl/a.
  Tyto podmínky nabývají účinnosti dnem 25.5.2018.
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